Carlos Molero

Software Engineer Graphic Designer

  • : (954) 864-9693
  • :

About me !

Hello, I'm Carlos Molero,

A Miami-based Full-Stack Software Engineer with a passion for crafting elegant software and a near-compulsive desire to explore the unfamiliar. My journey, enriched by a blend of formal education at App Academy and hands-on experience, has been a dance of code and creativity where JavaScript, Node, React JS, and Python are my partners. In every role, including my recent position at Advanced Agrilytics, I’ve been driven by a love for solving complex problems. My hands are adept at weaving Vue.js, CSS, HTML, Node.js, and MySQL into efficient, maintainable solutions. I’m not just an engineer but a constant student, dedicating myself to expanding my knowledge and skill set. Coming from a background in restaurants, I’ve honed skills that seamlessly translate into the tech world. Patience, team management, and thriving in high-paced environments are second nature to me. Every project is an opportunity to apply this unique blend of experience, ensuring that creativity and efficiency go hand in hand.

View Cover Letter

Name Carlos Molero

Spoken Langages English - Spanish

Interest Music, Reading, Coding, Wakeboarding, Fishing,

Education & Skills

2020 - 2021

Software Engineering Bootcamp

Broward College

International Business

Jan '22 - April '23
Advanced Agrilytics

Full-Stack Software Engineer

Feb '21 - May '21
Quirch Foods

Software Developer

Projects & Review

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A personal app that allows users to keep track and create recipes

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The Road is Lava

A app that allows users to plan and map out routes to excercise with random obstacles in the way.

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A cataloging website that allows users to interact with a database of podcasts.


Graphic Designs

Contact Me

Free Call To Me:
(+1) 954-864-9693
Mail Me:
Find Me:
Miami, Fl

Thank you !